An evolving consciousness of the world around us through a camera lens...

Wednesday, October 13


I'm constantly reminded that life can rush by us at a million miles an hour if we don't find a way to slow it down and enjoy at least part of each day for what it has to offer. What an interesting thought. Finding a way to enjoy life as apposed to rushing through it. I know it may not seem profound, but look around, how many people are actually finding a way to spend time doing what they love? A couple months ago I came across this idea, write down the things that you love to do. Then ask yourself how much time you spend doing those things. For me I realized that my life was being consumed by doing things that I thought I should do. Not by things that excite me and make me smile. I do know one thing for sure, having the things I love to do down on paper makes me remember them when I otherwise might not. Just an idea I present to get the wheels turning if you so choose...

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