An evolving consciousness of the world around us through a camera lens...

Wednesday, October 13


I'm constantly reminded that life can rush by us at a million miles an hour if we don't find a way to slow it down and enjoy at least part of each day for what it has to offer. What an interesting thought. Finding a way to enjoy life as apposed to rushing through it. I know it may not seem profound, but look around, how many people are actually finding a way to spend time doing what they love? A couple months ago I came across this idea, write down the things that you love to do. Then ask yourself how much time you spend doing those things. For me I realized that my life was being consumed by doing things that I thought I should do. Not by things that excite me and make me smile. I do know one thing for sure, having the things I love to do down on paper makes me remember them when I otherwise might not. Just an idea I present to get the wheels turning if you so choose...

Friday, September 24

Deadshot, Floyd Lawton.

What a wicked experience it was to be part of creating this character for the TV series, "Smallville". Playing a supervillain from the DC Universe requires a lot of attention to detail. There is some freedom, this character not having been played by an actual human being before, but you still have decades of history and character development that must be respected. Something that the producers, director, and entire crew are very hands on in creating. Watching the character unfold over a week of trial and error was quite the experience. From an acting perspective, each change in wardrobe was a slight change in character. Some I liked, some I wasn't so keen on. I can say without a doubt, in the end, I was beyond pleased with what we decided upon. This ended up being one of those acting experiences that you know you were meant to be part of. Simply Put; I got to have a really good time!