An evolving consciousness of the world around us through a camera lens...

Monday, October 1

Sulfur... Yummy!!

Woke up in Montana, went to bed in South Dakota... just another day on the road... and Yellowstone wasn't a bad idea either...

Sunday, September 30

Montana or Bust!!!

Washington -- Idaho -- Montana...  Big Sky Country... yes, the sky really is big.

Friday, September 21

Vancouver Summer!!

As summer comes to a close, it seems only fitting that we take a moment to reflect...  Enjoy!

Monday, September 17

Sunday, September 16

Boys just want to be Boys...

Late night photos don't lie... growing up can be saved for later... and true friends seem to pick up right where they left off every time...

Thursday, July 12


Hola, friends!  Summer is HERE!  And for those of us on the West Coast, the temperatures are very comfortable.  So get out there and Adventure!  Get on that bike, dust off those walking shoes, or pull on those roller skates.  Never know what one might find if he steps out of his house with an open mind and a camera.  

Tuesday, July 3

Where's the Sunshine?

This is for my fellow Pacific Northwesterners who have spent all of June in the rain.  A reminder that there is a big ball of fire in the sky and it will come out soon...

Sunday, July 1

Happy Canada Day, Eh!

That's right my American buds!  It's a holiday up here in Canada, eh!  In good old Vancouver we celebrate this fabulous day with a good old fashioned BBQ with a possibility of showers!!  You may need a rain jacket, but you'll save a bundle on sunscreen!  My American buds, eat your hearts out; my Canadian buds, get out there and celebrate!!

Monday, June 25

London on the Move!

It's absolutely amazing what you can get when you're on the move.  These are some photos from a recent trip to London!  Not a photo walkabout, just on our way from one place to the next...  What Fun!?!?

Friday, June 1

Trains and Wilderness!!

On a recent camping trip myself and a good friend went on a walkabout with our cameras.  What great fun!!  Be very careful on the train tracks, it ends up some tracks are still in use...  Who Knew!?

Saturday, May 19

May Long Weekend...?

My fellow Americans, did you know they celebrate this weekend as a long weekend up her in Canada?  Monday is Victoria day.  So I say, why not use it as an excuse for some fun!?  Get out there and have some fun!  Be irresponsible and blame it all on your neighbors to the North!!

Thursday, May 17

Location, location, location!!

These are some fun shots from the locations we used when filming one of my short films.  I can't help but emphasize how much I love a wicked location for filming.  In everything I create as a filmmaker, the setting is just as important of a character as anything else.  This place was amazing!